GameGuide » Blog Archive » Modern Warfare 2 patched on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC

mw2rocketlaunch580pxheaderimg-1For the last week month or so, the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer experience has been plagued by a number of issues, across all platforms. Those issues have been targeted by a new patch, which Robert “fourzerotwo” Bowling states has gone live on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Among the issues addressed are those nasty infinity ammo and Public “private” match issues on the Xbox 360 version, the Prestige hack on PS3 and the texture hack on PC. Also, the 1887 has been balanced on all platforms – now, you might actually stand a chance against an opponent wielding two of those.

Of course, most of us at GameGuide have since re-discovered the joy of old school Modern Warfare and are unlikely to got back to Modern Warfare 2 until next year. We’re hoping with another week of other people playing it, some more glitches will have been discovered and fixed.

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