First Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack Already Confirmed?
Infinity Ward may not be diverting resources toward making a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 demo, but they have already begun planning subsequent map packs for the game. Shacknews reports that, according to a… um… specialty-marked case of Monster energy drink (really, that’s how announcements are being made now?), the first map pack for Modern Warfare 2 will be released next spring. The sponsored energy drink is advertising a Modern Warfare 2 giveaway contest on their packaging, which includes “5,000 MW2 Map Pack codes – planned release Spring 2010.” Infinity Ward has previously announced at least two map packs will be released for the game, but didn’t specify a timeline. So now, we know what to look forward to after we’re done looking forward to the game itself. [1up]