When Crackdown 2 arrived on my desk, I decided I would take it home and have a play around with it for about n hour or so. I didn’t want a late night as I’ve been burning the midnight oil a little too much recently. So after the training level and a couple of early missions, I decided to explore a bit and see how many of those magic orbs I could collect. At some stage the game prompted me to look at my stats to see where my mission objectives were, so I did. But rather than looking at my mission objectives – which I already knew, but was choosing to ignore – I looked at some of the other stats, and something struck me as weird. When I looked at ‘time spent in Pacific City’ it stated that I had been running around the fictional, cell shaded location for close to four hours. Odd I thought that it didn’t use real time like most games. Why on earth would it use an excellerated time keeping…. hold on…. wait, it’s almost 1am already? Damn. So yeah, if nothing else, Crackdown 2 is the same level of addictive fun as the original Crackdown. But unlike most other sequels, Crackdown 2 doesn’t seem to subscribe to the bigger is better mantra. Infact there seems to be a huge amount of sameness to the game. Same location, same graphics, same gameplay.