Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 – Villain Trailer | Gameguide Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 – Villain Trailer – Gameguide

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Official blurb: Raul Menendez is idolized as the Messiah of the 99%, yet underneath the surface lurks an insidious mastermind hell bent on global insurrection.
Created in collaboration with David S. Goyer (co-writer of The Dark Knight Rises) and Trent Reznor (Academy Award-winning composer of The Social Network), Treyarch and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have redefined storytelling in the franchise.

Verdict: Once again, it stinks a little too much of style over substance.  And of course in typical Activision style, trying to cash in on the massive interest in The Dark Knight Rises.  I’m still not feeling anything for this sequel to what was a nice solid game.

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