Battlefield 3 Onslaught Begins | Gameguide Battlefield 3 Onslaught Begins – Gameguide
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Two elements Battlefield fans have been missing from recent BF games, jets and the ability to prone (lay down), will both be making a return in BF3, as will support for up to 64 players on the PC and up to 24-32 on the consoles.
Battlefield 3 marks the first core entry in the series since Battlefield 2 was released on PC in 2005. There hasn’t been any shortage of standalone BF games, however; since then, we’ve seen Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield Heroes, Battlefield 1943, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. There’s also been an announcement of another free-to-play game, Battlefield Play4Free.
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